Autocannons are very imprecise but deal massive damage duo to the bullet weight and fire rate. One Autocannon can hold up to 500 Rounds. Choose these if you ONLY want to fight up close. Lasercannons are very precise, have a solid fire rate and deal heavy and punctual damage. The Ammunition recharges itself and one Lasercannon can hold up to 200 Rounds. Choose these if you want to either fight up close or from a far. Laser cannons are also perfect to fight kiters. Plasmacannons deal the most damage, are very precise and fly for a long distance but have a low fire rate. The Damage profile looks like explosive or disintegrating damage.
One Plasmacannon can hold up to 150 Rounds. Choose these if your aim is precise and you want to one hit your enemies. Railcannons are not supported on this Ship and arent craftable yet as they need Tengium and Xhalium. Missiles do massive damage and can one hit a target, but are imprecise and tend to to fly curves. Missiles also can fly for multiple kilometers and move at 360 m/s. One missile launcher can hold up to 9 missiles. It takes 32 shots from the autocannon to scratch the OP 432x204x204 Curved plate (14 laser beams, 7 plasma shots) proof: Choose these if you want to fight up close and want to one hit enemies.